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At STONE Oil & Gas, we are committed to providing the highest quality and value-add engineering solutions to our clients. We provide innovative problem solving through our project execution, as demonstrated in our previous project experience. This dedication provides class-leading solutions in front-end engineering phases, with proven past results in EPC execution.

At STONE Oil & Gas, we are committed to continuous improvement through Six Sigma fundamentals.  We always strive to use state of the art technology and empower our team through continuous improvement lean methodologies.

Six Sigma

At STONE Oil & Gas, the fundamental of Six Sigma is utilized to eliminate the seven forms of waste:


- Correction
- Over-production
- Processing
- Inventory
- Motion
- Transportation
- Waiting


Rigorous continuous improvement  using Six Sigma fundamentals is an imperative competitive advantage methodology utilized by the team at STONE Oil & Gas Inc. to focusing on poor quality cost

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